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If you use and enjoy ReSharper and ReSharper Ultimate, it's highly recommended that you pick up the newest key from IntelliJ. When you buy this key, it will automatically be added to your current free or premium version of ReSharper Ultimate. The new features in this update include: support for VSTO/O365's new Office Template .xsn files, a couple of fixes in async queues, performance improvements in the DNS cache pane, a fix for a few memory leaks when having lots (>2 million) items per session on XML maps with async queries, and a few other minor tweaks. Visit https://www.jetbrains. com/resharper/buy/ for more info. The new features in this update include: support for Visual Studio 2019, support for the async query foreach feature available on XML maps, support for VSTO's new Office Template .xsn files, fixes in the code analysis engine on some specific code constructs, performance improvements on some UI operations, and a few other minor tweaks. Visit for more info. The following are the changes in ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1. It includes new editing modes for JavaScript, TypeScript, and SQL, along with better support for IntelliJ Platform plugins. Additionally there are several other improvements including fixes in the code lookup feature along with bug fixes. To learn more about what is new in rarps2018 visit For more information on key features visit To download go to https://www.jetbrains. com/resharper-ultimate/buy/#download It is recommended to use the products with the most recent version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3.3 This update includes fixes for memory leaks in two scenarios: when working with synchronized maps, and when creating large (i.e. greater than 2 million items) XML maps with async queries; fixes in the code analysis engine; bug fixes in the TypeScript editing features; along with performance improvements on some specific UI operations, and a few other minor tweaks. It also comes with support for Visual Studio 2017 15.5, support for VSTO's new Office Template . xsn files, and a few other minor tweaks. To learn more about what is new in rarps2017 visit download go to It is recommended to use the products with the most recent version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. It is also highly recommended for using Visual Studio 2017 15.1 with ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3, as this release fixes a couple of bugs that were present in 15.1 and later versions (see below). To ensure that issues triggered by 15. cfa1e77820